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feed·back /ˈfēdˌbak/ noun: information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, etc., used as a basis for improvement

Recently I’ve been thinking about feedback. One definition states “feedback is not to make people feel better; it’s to help them do better”. ECS is accredited by the state of Indiana, the Association of Christian Schools (ACSI), and AdvancED. The accreditation guidelines and self-study requirements provide beneficial feedback to our school stakeholders. On November 9-12, a team of nine educators representing ACSI and AdvancED will visit ECS to provide feedback to help us continue to serve our students and families better.

The purpose of the External Review Team visit from ACSI/AdvancED is to confirm that the perceived strengths and challenges set forth in the school’s self-study are true and can be validated by the on-site external review team; to determine if school policies, procedures, and programs are in accordance with the school’s purpose, mission, vision, core values, and expected outcomes; and, to confirm quality Christian education in light of the stated goals and objectives. You can access information provided to the external review team at

For the past several years, ECS teachers and staff have addressed the AdvancED standards and ACSI criteria for accreditation in the areas of purpose and direction, governance and leadership, teaching and assessing for learning, resources and support systems, and using results for continuous improvement. We have surveyed parents, students, and staff. Our school improvement plan, also submitted to the Indiana Department of Education, addresses school goals, student achievement goals, and professional development of teachers and staff.

During the External Review, the accreditation team will meet with faculty, staff, board members, parents and students. After the team leaves, ECS will receive a report highlighting “Powerful Practices”, what we are doing well, and “Opportunities for Improvement”, giving an objective appraisal upon which future goals can be set by the school leadership, faculty, staff, and school board. We look forward to collaborating with this visiting team, receiving their valuable feedback, and their recommendation for our continued accreditation.

Susie Masterson
PK-4th Principal

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